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Love At First Sight:Ni Jui Hung X inooknit

While we ran to the coastal beach cafe to take shelter from the rain, the next second we felt the sun pour on us and the breeze dried our soaked hair. Accompanied by the sound of the ocean, I took out some crayons and my sketchbook and started drawing. I painted the ocean and depicted the mountain that’s surrounded by the sea with dark blue intuitively; then I took a sip of this overly-sweet milk tea. 

At this moment, the fairy artist, RuiHong, descended from a 900 ft tall fairyland with her wavy dress and a surprised look on her face.

This self-proclaimed fairy artist describes herself as casual, undisciplined, and confronts the police on a daily basis. In my perspective, she gives a quirky vibe. The first time we met, she drove right to her relationship stories; I guess that’s another form of Love at First Sight.

Q: I observed the emotions between men and women that play a big part of your art, where do you get your inspirations from?

Inspirations from others are omnipresent. However, my art is made into distorted versions of myself, and I also get inspirations from friends, books, movies and many other places. 

[At this moment, Fairy showed me a post and explained the story about many individuals. I smiled knowingly and was excited about going to Wanli Matchmaker Temple, maybe we’ll have the story written in our next blog.]

Q: Do you still have a desire for ordinary romance?

As a fairy, I still have an ideal for romance in this world. I hope to meet a man who brings insights and knowledge. A person whom I can share my artwork with and someone who makes me feel safe. 

Speaking of which, I worked on the project “Hello Marriage, Goodbye Love” with Dr. Deng in March 2022 that’s constructed with 12 creative scenes. 

Love and romance to me means positive interactions, equality, and effortlessness.

Q: Do you perform a ritual of paying respect prior to creating art that is inspired by God’s vision?

Honestly, I don’t think much about it. I see Gods as my friends, because before they became gods, they were humans; I’d like to think that they’re more “down-to-earth” rather than thinking that they’re so unreachable. I like seeing ritualistic art at temples. I study the human desire by observing and appreciating the artist’ work and technics, and I would also read the ancient stories the space carries. I’m not a pious follower so I wouldn’t encounter any “exchanges” with the Gods. I would connect through meditations and respectfully tell the Gods about my intentions for the art that I create without expecting any fortune or good luck in return. Sometimes staying at the temples where they have great numbers of visitors and flourished incense, I’d feel dizzy because of the energy there.

Q: If you were a fairy living inside a human body, what obstacles would you be facing? What special ability or fashion style would you have?

My special ability might be my determination and obsession for beauty and creativity; and that I can create art that spreads happiness. 

I’m not very interested in the lady-like bohemian style, but I’m super into 50’s outfits and vintage clothes. Given the “fairy” certificate, I believe that I should make sure that all the clothes are in optimal usage. 

I know for a fact that I’m going to die someday, nothing is perpetual. I accept my desires and my insignificance in the universe.

Q: Today we brought you inooknit’s picnic collection, how do you feel about them?

I’m taller than average and have a plump body, so my feet are usually bigger than others. Buying adorable shoes that carry my size is a challenge to me, I usually need to get them on foreign online shops, but the downside is that I can’t try them on beforehand, so the comfort doesn't always end up meeting my needs. 

Today, I’m wearing inooknit’s picnic flats and they’re surprisingly soft and I feel like I can wear them to all sorts of adventurous travels. One of the best parts is that these flats make my feet look nicer, and they wrap my feet so well. I’m going to wear them to a literary magazine interview later today because I feel invincible with them on!

Photographer/ Toby Hsu @presstheshutter99

Texts/ Lin Chin @chih_____lin



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